Damian Jacob Sendler Epidemiology Research Official
Damian Jacob Sendler

Damian Jacob Sendler Transgender Youth Surgery

Damian Sendler: What is a better example of “medicine continuing on its progressive march of improving human life” or “a manifestation of dangerous medicine that…will cause more harm than benefit to vulnerable youths?”...

Damian Jacob Sendler

Damian Sendler MD Research

Damian Sendler: When Ashlee Wisdom launched an early version of her health and wellness website, more than 34,000 visitors — most of them Black — visited the platform in the first two weeks.  Damian Jacob Sendler: But the launch was successful...

Return of Scientist Damian Sendler

Return of Scientist Damian Sendler

Damian Sendler: A novel strain of COVID-19 first detected in South Africa was labeled a variation of concern by the World Health Organization on Friday. Here’s how the pharmaceutical industry plans to counter the latest coronavirus curve ball...